Forestry Field Trials

Forestry Field Trials
of Plantskydd Repellent



“Plantskydd Deer Repellent has been an important silviculture tool within our Company’s reforestation program for over 12 years”

John Clarke, RPF
Silviculture/Administrative Forester
Terminal Forest Products Ltd.
Richmond, British Columbia, Canada



“Plantskydd performed the best of all tested products”

Evaluation of eight repellents in deterring eastern cottontail (RABBITS) herbivory in Connecticut[Read More]
—Scott C. Williams & Michael R. Short—
Dept. of Forestry and Horticulture, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT, USA


Managing Silviculture Costs version2.ppt

I am able to protect my trees all year for less than a $1 per tree

The species planted are: red oak, shumard oak, swamp white oak, redbud, burr oak, sycamore, box elder, red maple, sweet gum, chinkipin oak, black gum, yellow birch, staghorn sumac, black oak, mountain oak, shingle oak, pin oak and river birch.[Read more]

David Hague, Pickerington, Ohio
January 2013

“5% of White Pine terminal buds that were treated with Plantskydd were found to be browsed; whereas, 75% of the White Pine terminal buds that were bud capped were found to have been browsed”

Deer repellent trials on jack pine seedlings at Brule River State Forest, East Douglas County, NW Wisconsin: Final Results 2005-2009. [Read More]

David Harbec, assistant manager
Hayward State Nursery

Report – Sept-2010
Pre-Treating seedlings at Nursery with
Plantskydd® Animal Repellent

The combined application cost of Plantskydd product, and labor,
was $0.015/seedling (1.5 ¢) when treating seedlings at the nursery,
approximately 1/10th that of treating seedlings following planting (15 ¢/seedling).

Download Report – 6.5 MB .PDF Document


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